Monday, September 1, 2008

Jonathan Coulton

Encouraged by the fact that Jonathan Coulton has two songs in RB, I decided to explore some of his other works. So far, I like what I hear. Don't expect anything to serious or complex-- these are just somewhat folksy songs meant to be taken lightly.

Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance
First of May
I Feel Fantastic
Mandelbrot Set
That Spells DNA
The Town Crotch



wasteful said...

hey, i gave your mix a listen and this dude's not bad at all...
i thought the two songs on the game were decent and this doesn't disappoint!

ShiningIdeal said...

You know, I have to say my opinion was shifted a fair bit listening to this connection. With the two songs made available in Rock Band I had written him off as comedy only. There's a lot more going on here so I've gotta say I'll have to rethink my position a fair bit.

There is some pretty fun music happening under the lyrics and the lyrics for a few of these songs are much more pleasant. Still not something I'd probably listen to regularly but its lifted my expectations.